Grace Changes Everything

Community Group Discussion Guide for the Week of October 13, 2024

Miss this week’s teaching? You can watch it here.

# Summary

The sermon focused on the transformative power of God's grace and the importance of spreading the gospel, even to the uttermost parts of the Earth. Pastor Jim shared experiences from a recent mission trip to Nepal, where they conducted a pastor's conference and helped build a church building. The message emphasized that God's grace is unearned and changes everything, liberating people from fear and condemnation. The sermon also highlighted the importance of supporting missions and the impact of teaching the attributes of God to those who have never heard of a loving God.

# Intro Prayer

Heavenly Father, we come before You with open hearts, ready to receive Your word and guidance. We ask that You help us to be receptive to the message of grace and love that You have for us today. May Your Holy Spirit move among us, opening our eyes to see Your truth and transforming our lives to reflect Your goodness. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

# Ice Breaker

What is one place in the world you would love to visit and why?

# Key Verses

1. Ephesians 2:8-9

2. Romans 5:8

3. Luke 23:18-25

4. John 3:16

# Questions

1. What does grace mean to you personally?

2. How can understanding God's attributes change our perspective on life?

3. Why is it important to support local and global missions and outreach programs?

4. How does the story of Barabbas illustrate the concept of grace?

5. What are some ways we can share the message of grace with others?

6. How can we apply the concept of grace in our daily interactions?

7. What challenges do you face in accepting God's grace fully?

8. In what ways can we be more involved in our church's mission efforts?

# Life Application

This week, reflect on an area of your life where you struggle to accept God's grace. Pray for the strength to let go of guilt and embrace the freedom that comes with His unearned favor.

# Key Takeaways

1. God's grace is unearned and changes everything.

2. Understanding God's attributes can transform our lives.

3. Supporting missions is crucial for spreading the gospel.

4. Grace liberates us from fear and condemnation.

5. We are called to share the message of grace with others.

# Ending Prayer

Lord, we thank You for the gift of Your grace, which changes everything. Help us to live in the freedom and joy that Your grace provides. As we go out into the world, may we be vessels of Your love and truth, sharing the message of salvation with those around us. Guide us in our mission to spread Your word and support those who are doing Your work globally. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.