Created for Growth

Community Group Discussion Guide for the Week of October 6, 2024

Miss this week’s teaching? You can watch it here.

# Summary

The sermon focused on the concept of God's calling in our lives, using the interactions between Jesus and the Apostle Peter as a case study. It emphasized that God's calling is not about achieving perfection but about growth and maturity in our faith. The sermon highlighted Peter's journey from confessing Jesus as the Messiah to denying Him, and ultimately being restored by Jesus after His resurrection. This illustrates that despite our failures, Jesus calls us to follow Him and grow in our relationship with Him.

# Intro Prayer

Heavenly Father, we thank You for bringing us together today. As we gather to discuss Your Word, we ask for open hearts and minds to receive what You have for us. Help us to understand Your calling in our lives and to embrace the growth You desire for us. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

# Ice Breaker

What is one hobby or activity you enjoy doing in your free time?

# Key Verses

1. Luke 9:18-20

2. John 21:15-19

3. Isaiah 9:6

# Questions

1. What does it mean to have a calling from God?

2. How does Peter's story illustrate the concept of growth over perfection?

3. Why do you think Jesus asked Peter three times if he loved Him?

4. How can we keep our eyes on Jesus in our daily lives?

5. What are some influences from the world that might distort our understanding of Jesus?

6. How can we support each other in our spiritual growth?

7. What does it mean to deny ourselves and take up our cross daily?

8. How can we apply the lesson of Peter's restoration to our own lives?

# Life Application

This week, identify one area in your life where you feel you've fallen short. Pray and ask God for guidance on how to grow in that area, and take one practical step towards improvement.

# Key Takeaways

1. God's calling is about growth, not perfection.

2. Peter's denial and restoration show that failure is not the end.

3. Jesus calls us to follow Him despite our imperfections.

4. Our understanding of Jesus should be based on His Word, not the world's opinions.

5. Daily commitment to Jesus involves self-denial and perseverance.

# Ending Prayer

Lord, thank You for the time we've spent together discussing Your Word. Help us to remember that You call us to grow and mature in our faith. May we keep our eyes on Jesus and follow Him daily. Guide us in our journey and help us to support one another. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.